tiistai 2. toukokuuta 2017

Bumps on the road -mutkia matkassa

Saavuimme lauantaina Florida, NY. Suunnitelmissa oli kayttaa sunnuntai ja maanantai New York Cityn kiertamiseen. Sunnuntaina nukuttiin pitkaan ja oltiin puolilta paivin lahdossa New york Cityyn, mutta meidan pikkuauto paatti sitten, ettei kaynnisty ollenkaan. Saman tempun se oli tehnyt edellisena paivana ja sita korjattiin $600. En siis tieda mita ne korjasi, vai huijasiko ne meilta vain rahaa. No ei auttanut kuin soittaa AAA hinaamaan auto lahimmalle aukiolevalle korjaamolle. Me ajeltiin moottorikodilla perassa ja meille kerrottiin, etta maanantaina auto on valmis. 
Maanantai meni leirintäalueella leikkiessa ja pyykkia pestessa. Illalla Olli soitti korjaamolle ja sai kuulla, ettei meidan autoa olla edes viela katsottu, silla mekaanikko oli joutunut onnettomuuteen. 
Tana aamuna saatiin vihdoinkin puhelu korjaamolta, etta autossa on bensapumppu rikki ja akkukin alkaa vedella viimeisia. Meinasivat saada auton korjattua tanaan. 
New York City jai sitten nakematta, silla tanaan suunnataan Marylandiin, jos auto saadaan huollosta ennen yota, silla ajomatka on 5 tuntia normaaliautolla, meidan yhdistelmalla pikkuisen enemman. 
Toivottavasti auto ongelmat on nyt tassa. Niita on ollut ihan riittamiin.

We arrived in Florida, New York on Saturday. The plan was to visit NYC on Sunday and Monday. We slept in on Sunday and we were ready to go to the city at noon, but our little car decided not to start again. We had the same problem the day before and the mechanics said that they could do a temporary fix and that the fuel pump would need to be replace somewhere in the future. So they charged us $600 and didn't properly fix it. So then we called AAA and they sent a tow truck to bring it to a mechanic. The mechanics told us that the car would be finished on Monday.
Monday was spend playing around at the campground and doing the laundry. Monday night Olli called the mechanic and was told that our car wouldn't be done, because the mechanic had been in an accident.
Well finally this morning we got a call from the mechanic saying that the fuel pump is broken and that the battery is bad as well. The car should be fixed today.
We missed out on NYC and today we are headed to Assateague State Park in Maryland. As long as we get the car during the day, since it is about a 6 hour drive with the motorhome.
Hopefully this is it for the car problems as it is getting really annoying.

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